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Phone issues

Due to continuing issues following Friday's power outages, you may have trouble reaching us by phone. If you ring us, it may appear that you are in a phone call queue, but our staff are unable to answer your call due to the telephony outage. Please contact us via our online forms or by email

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  • Sporting Memories

    Sporting Memories are a charity and social enterprise that helps older people to reminiscence, replay and reconnect through the power of sport and physical acti...

  • Swansea Carers Centre

    Swansea Carers Centre provides support and information to carers across Swansea by providing welfare benefit advice; access to grants and special funds; a couns...

  • Swansea Centre for Deaf People

    The centre is a base for Deaf and hard of hearing people to come and attend the various activities they may be interested in.

  • Swansea Parent Carer Forum

    Useful information for parent carers on local authority services, health provision, mental health and wellbeing support, in work support.

  • The Accessible Friends Network

    TAFN is a UK charity operating over the internet to provide computer support, training and social activities for blind and visually impaired people worldwide.

  • The Exchange

    The-Exchange specialises in supporting the psychological well-being of children, young people and families.

  • The National Autism Team

    The National Autism Team is funded by Welsh Government and hosted by the Welsh Local Government Association (WLGA), works in partnership with Public Health Wale...

  • The Partially Sighted Society

    Provides information, advice, equipment and clear print material for people with a visual impairment to help them to make the best use of their remaining sight....

  • The Swans Community Trust

    The Swans Community Trust offer pan-disability activities that cater for children and adults with a range of disabilities.

  • Wales Council for Deaf People

    An umbrella organisation of associations, both voluntary and statutory, working in the field of hearing loss and deafness.

  • Wales Council of the Blind

    WCB is the umbrella agency representing the third sector within the visual impairment sector in Wales. It works to campaign, lobby and support the improvement o...

  • Wales Dementia Helpline

    Support for people affected by dementia.

  • Wales Drug and Alcohol Helpline (DAN)

    All DAN 24/7 services are available to people who live in Wales. Helpline is open 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year providing a single point of contact for a...

  • Western Bay Adoption Service

    Western Bay Adoption Service aims to improve services for both adopters and children who are seeking adoption.

  • YMCA Swansea

    YMCA Swansea aims to tackle poverty; improve health and wellbeing; promote equality and diversity; and improve the quality of life for children, young people an...

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