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There are 46 results

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  • Acas

    Acas gives employees and employers free, impartial advice on workplace rights, rules and best practice. Also help to resolve disputes.

  • Advocacy Support Cymru (ASC)

    A registered charity that specialises in the provision of professional, confidential and independent advocacy for those eligible in secondary care and community...

  • Age Cymru West Glamorgan

    Help and advice for older people in Swansea, Neath Port Talbot and Bridgend

  • Alzheimer's Society

    The Alzheimer's Society are a vital source of support and a powerful force for change for everyone affected by dementia. Alzheimer's Society is here for everyon...

  • BAYS+ Youth Homeless Service

    Support young people aged 16 - 21 who are homeless or at risk of homelessness with general advice, housing, discrimination and benefits.

  • Better Jobs Better Futures

    Employment Support.

  • Brainkind

    A national charity providing care, rehabilitation and support solutions for people with profound physical impairments, acquired brain injury and learning diffic...

  • Care and Repair Western Bay

    Care and Repair aims to relieve the needs of people in the locality who are disadvantages by reason of health, ill-age or disability, by the provision of suppor...

  • Caredig

    Caredig provides a wide range of housing solutions for single people, families, older people and people who need support to maintain their tenancy.

  • Chinese Autism Support

    Chinese Autism Support is a project that is committed to advocate for the Chinese ethnic autistic children and their families living in South Wales. The project...

  • Circus Eruption

    We are a young person centred charity with diversity inclusion, equality and fun at its heart. We harness the energy and commitment of young people, volunteers ...

  • Crisis

    A national charity for homeless people.

  • Dementia Carers Count

    Mae Dementia Carers Count yn gweithio tuag at fyd lle mae'r holl deuluoedd a ffrindiau sy'n gofalu am rywun sy'n dioddef o ddementia'n teimlo'n hyderus, wedi'u ...

  • Dementia Friendly Swansea and Dementia Hwb

    Dementia Friendly Swansea focuses on improving the quality of life for people living with dementia.

  • Dementia Support SBUHB (Swansea Bay University Health Board)

    The primary care dementia support team in Swansea provides a first point of contact for anyone concerned about changes in their cognitive health, such as their ...

  • Dementia UK and Admiral Nurses

    Admiral Nurses are specialist dementia nurses. Continually supported and developed by Dementia UK, they provide life-changing support for families affected by a...

  • Disabled Living Foundation (DLF)

    DLF is a national charity providing impartial advice, information and training on independent living.

  • Dyversity Group Local Aid

    Dyversity Group Local Aid hold weekly sessions for Children and young people of all ages with Autism (ASD) on a Monday night at FOYD (Friends of Young Disabled)...

  • Family Fund

    Help for families with children with disabilities.

  • Focus on Disability

    An online resource providing information, guides, products and resources for the disabled community, elderly and carers in the UK.

  • Goleudy

    Housing charity who help to prevent homelessness, provide housing and create opportunities. Also provide a community fridge in Swansea Marina.

  • Hafan Cymru

    A charitable housing association that provides accommodation and support to women, men, their children and young people across Wales.

  • Housing Justice Cymru - Citadel

    Citadel is a homelessness prevention project, which uses volunteers to support people at risk of experiencing homelessness, to find and/or sustain tenancies.

  • Independence at Home

    Independence at Home is a charity that provides grants to people of all ages who have a physical or learning disability or long-term illness and who are in fina...

  • Interplay

    Interplay is a project aiming to integrate young people with special needs into play and leisure opportunities that are available to any child in their communit...

  • Kin Cymru

    Provide help parents of children with special needs/disabilities to claim benefits they are entitled to.

  • Learning Disability Wales

    Resources for people with a learning disability and their supporters.

  • Llais

    Your voice in health and social care.

  • Llamau

    Llamau is the leading homelessness charity in Wales, supporting the most vulnerable young people and women.

  • Matthew's House

    Matthew's House exists to provide a warm and welcoming building in the heart of Swansea, with the expressed intention of being accessible for the homeless and m...

  • Missionaries of Charity

    Direct access hostel (single males aged 25+ only).

  • Mixtup

    Mixtup is a youth club for 11-25-year-olds with mixed abilities. Mixtup is largely a youth run and focused club, that aims to provide its members with the thing...

  • Musical Memories Choir

    Musical Memories Choir is choir with a purpose! Started in 2014 we were born out of a wish to enable people living with dementia and carers, to come together an...

  • National Autistic Society Cymru

    Providing a wide range of quality, personalised support services for people on the autism spectrum and their families and carers.

  • Ogof Adullam at Penlan Methodist Church

    Drop-in centre offering a place of refuge to individuals experiencing homelessness and alcohol and drug addiction as well as providing a point of contact for pr...

  • Platfform

    Platfform is the mental health and social change charity. They work with people experiencing challenges with their mental health, and with communities who want ...

  • Pobl Housing Association

    Not for profit housing association offering housing solutions and support.

  • RNIB

    The Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB), one of the UK's leading sight loss charities and the largest community of blind and partially sighted peopl...

  • Shelter Cymru

    Shelter Cymru provide free, independent, confidential advice on housing and debt.

  • Sporting Memories

    Sporting Memories are a charity and social enterprise that helps older people to reminiscence, replay and reconnect through the power of sport and physical acti...

  • Swansea Carers Centre

    Swansea Carers Centre provides support and information to carers across Swansea by providing welfare benefit advice; access to grants and special funds; a couns...

  • Swansea Council for Voluntary Service

    Swansea Council for Voluntary Service support, develop and represent voluntary organisations, volunteers and communities across Swansea.

  • The National Autism Team

    The National Autism Team is funded by Welsh Government and hosted by the Welsh Local Government Association (WLGA), works in partnership with Public Health Wale...

  • The Swans Community Trust

    The Swans Community Trust offer pan-disability activities that cater for children and adults with a range of disabilities.

  • The Wallich

    The Wallich is a Welsh charity helping people who are homeless.

  • Wales Dementia Helpline

    Support for people affected by dementia.

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