Search for advice and support
We have provided a list of local and national organisations which could offer you further advice and support.
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Acas gives employees and employers free, impartial advice on workplace rights, rules and best practice. Also help to resolve disputes.
Action Fraud UK's national reporting centre for fraud and cyber crime. As well as reporting fraud you can also find advice and updates on recent scams.
ADAPT assists disabled people to find suitably adapted accommodation.
Age Cymru West Glamorgan and advice for older people in Swansea, Neath Port Talbot and Bridgend
Barnardo's BAYS+ Youth Homeless Service young people aged 16 - 21 who are homeless or at risk of homelessness with general advice, housing, discrimination and benefits.
Better Jobs Better Futures Support.
Blind Veterans UK Veterans is a charity which supports blind ex-service men and women.
Brainkind national charity providing care, rehabilitation and support solutions for people with profound physical impairments, acquired brain injury and learning diffic...
British Deaf Association organisation run by and for Deaf people, focusing on the language, community, identity and heritage of Deaf people and the representation of their needs, asp...
British Red Cross help anyone, anywhere in the UK and around the world, get the support they need if crisis strikes.
Calibre Audio Library national charity providing a subscription-free postal and internet service of unabridged audio books for adults and children with sight problems.
Care and Repair Western Bay and Repair aims to relieve the needs of people in the locality who are disadvantages by reason of health, ill-age or disability, by the provision of suppor...
Caredig provides a wide range of housing solutions for single people, families, older people and people who need support to maintain their tenancy.
Cartrefi Cymru mainly supports people with learning difficulties, autism, behaviours that challenge, older people and carers.
Chinese Autism Support Autism Support is a project that is committed to advocate for the Chinese ethnic autistic children and their families living in South Wales. The project...
Circus Eruption are a young person centred charity with diversity inclusion, equality and fun at its heart. We harness the energy and commitment of young people, volunteers ...
Compass Independent Living Independent Living is part of Compass Disability Services, a customer led organisation based in Somerset but delivering services across the Country.
Contact Wales charity offering support to families with disabled children.
Crisis national charity for homeless people.
Dementia Support SBUHB (Swansea Bay University Health Board) primary care dementia support team in Swansea provides a first point of contact for anyone concerned about changes in their cognitive health, such as their ...