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  • Veterans Gateway

    Support ex-forces members with healthcare and housing issues, and also give advice about employability, finances, personal relationships and more.

  • Victoria Saints Men's Shed

    Victoria Saints Men's Shed provides a warm and welcoming space for men to socialise and enjoy good conversations.

  • Wales Air Ambulance charity shops

    Buy or donate furniture, homeware, clothing and more.

  • Wales Council for Deaf People

    An umbrella organisation of associations, both voluntary and statutory, working in the field of hearing loss and deafness.

  • Wales Council of the Blind

    WCB is the umbrella agency representing the third sector within the visual impairment sector in Wales. It works to campaign, lobby and support the improvement o...

  • Wales Dementia Helpline

    Support for people affected by dementia.

  • Wales Drug and Alcohol Helpline (DAN)

    All DAN 24/7 services are available to people who live in Wales. Helpline is open 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year providing a single point of contact for a...

  • Warm Wales

    Warm Wales is working to tackle fuel poverty by offering free advice, referrals, and access to grants to ensure people across Wales and South-West England have ...

  • WCVA - Voluntary Services Emergency fund

    The 2021/2022 Volunteering Wales Grants scheme is now open to applications, with an emphasis on projects supporting the Well-being of Future Generations Act.

  • Welsh Centre for Action on Dependency and Addiction (WCADA)

    One of the leading alcohol and drug treatment agencies in Wales.

  • Welsh Refugee Council

    Support for refugee and asylum seekers.

  • Welsh Water

    Welsh Water can provide support if you are struggling to pay your bill or are in debt with your water bill.

  • Western Bay Adoption Service

    Western Bay Adoption Service aims to improve services for both adopters and children who are seeking adoption.

  • Western Power Distribution - Power Up

    Free and impartial energy saving advice to households in South, Mid and West Wales (in Western Power Distribution's jurisdiction).

  • Which?

    Online guidance on the latest scams, how to spot scams, what to do if you've been scammed and how to report a scam

  • Wiltshire Farm Food

    Frozen meal delivery service.

  • YMCA Swansea

    YMCA Swansea aims to tackle poverty; improve health and wellbeing; promote equality and diversity; and improve the quality of life for children, young people an...

  • You are not alone chatbot

    Anyone can experience domestic abuse - get help now.

  • Young Farmers' Club (YFC) Gower

    Membership is for is for young people aged between 10 and 28 years old who want to live life to the full whilst making friends and learning new skills.

  • Young Farmers' Club (YFC) Neath

    Membership is for is for young people aged between 10 and 28 years old who want to live life to the full whilst making friends and learning new skills.

  • Young Minds

    A national charity helping children and young people, supporting them with mental health challenges.

  • Zac's Place

    A Christian, community-focused project located in Gospel Hall in the city centre. Providing takeaway meals for those who need help.

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