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  • Action Fraud

    The UK's national reporting centre for fraud and cyber crime. As well as reporting fraud you can also find advice and updates on recent scams.

  • Care and Repair Western Bay

    Care and Repair aims to relieve the needs of people in the locality who are disadvantages by reason of health, ill-age or disability, by the provision of suppor...

  • Dyn Wales

    The Safer Wales Dyn project provides support to Heterosexual, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender men who are experiencing domestic abuse from a partner.

  • Lifeways Support Options

    Lifeways supports adults with diverse and complex needs, including learning disabilities, autism, physical disabilities, acquired brain injuries, and mental hea...

  • Local area coordinators

    Your local area coordinator can help you find advice and support in your community.

  • Swansea Women's Aid

    Empowerment, safety and support for women and children experiencing domestic abuse. Support is also provided for sexually exploited women looking for help.

  • Take Five

    A national campaign that offers straight-forward and impartial advice to help everyone protect themselves from preventable financial fraud.

  • Think Jessica

    Provide awareness raising events to raise the public's awareness of vulnerable scam victims. They also campaign for more support for victims of scams.

  • YMCA Swansea

    YMCA Swansea aims to tackle poverty; improve health and wellbeing; promote equality and diversity; and improve the quality of life for children, young people an...

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