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We have provided a list of local and national organisations which could offer you further advice and support.
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SilverCloud free NHS Wales mental health online resource.
Sporting Memories Memories are a charity and social enterprise that helps older people to reminiscence, replay and reconnect through the power of sport and physical acti...
Stop It Now! prevent child sexual abuse.
Swansea Children's Centre in Penlan and offering a place for families to get support, the centre also has events and activities for all ages.
Swansea Council for Voluntary Service Council for Voluntary Service support, develop and represent voluntary organisations, volunteers and communities across Swansea.
Swansea Family Information Service Swansea Family Information Service (FIS) is a one stop shop, providing free, quality, impartial information on a wide range of childcare, children's, family...
Swansea Mind Mind provides advice, information and support to people with mental health concerns. They offer one-to-one self-help programmes, counselling and group s...
Teilo's Community Cwtch - Faith in Families, Portmead children, families and individuals in the heart of their community.
The Accessible Friends Network is a UK charity operating over the internet to provide computer support, training and social activities for blind and visually impaired people worldwide.
The Children's Commissioner for Wales' office hub for children, young people and families in Wales.
The Children's Society national charity working with young people, supporting them through life challenges.
The Exchange specialises in supporting the psychological well-being of children, young people and families.
The Farming Community Network (FCN Cymru) voluntary organisation and charity operating in England and Wales that supports farmers and families within the farming community through difficult times.
The Partially Sighted Society information, advice, equipment and clear print material for people with a visual impairment to help them to make the best use of their remaining sight....
Tidy Minds mental health and well-being website for young people in Neath Port Talbot and Swansea.
Wales Council of the Blind is the umbrella agency representing the third sector within the visual impairment sector in Wales. It works to campaign, lobby and support the improvement o...
Wales Dementia Helpline for people affected by dementia.
WCVA - Voluntary Services Emergency fund 2021/2022 Volunteering Wales Grants scheme is now open to applications, with an emphasis on projects supporting the Well-being of Future Generations Act.
Western Bay Adoption Service Bay Adoption Service aims to improve services for both adopters and children who are seeking adoption.
YMCA Swansea Swansea aims to tackle poverty; improve health and wellbeing; promote equality and diversity; and improve the quality of life for children, young people an...
Young Farmers' Club (YFC) Gower is for is for young people aged between 10 and 28 years old who want to live life to the full whilst making friends and learning new skills.
Young Farmers' Club (YFC) Neath is for is for young people aged between 10 and 28 years old who want to live life to the full whilst making friends and learning new skills.
Young Minds national charity helping children and young people, supporting them with mental health challenges.
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