Search for advice and support
We have provided a list of local and national organisations which could offer you further advice and support.
Search results
Dementia Carers Count Dementia Carers Count yn gweithio tuag at fyd lle mae'r holl deuluoedd a ffrindiau sy'n gofalu am rywun sy'n dioddef o ddementia'n teimlo'n hyderus, wedi'u ...
Dementia Friendly Swansea and Dementia Hwb Friendly Swansea focuses on improving the quality of life for people living with dementia.
Dementia Support SBUHB (Swansea Bay University Health Board) primary care dementia support team in Swansea provides a first point of contact for anyone concerned about changes in their cognitive health, such as their ...
Dementia UK and Admiral Nurses Nurses are specialist dementia nurses. Continually supported and developed by Dementia UK, they provide life-changing support for families affected by a...
Digital Communities Wales technology is crucial to help people stay connected, find reliable information, shop for necessities and stay healthy. DCW is here to support people to ...
DPJ Foundation those in the agricultural sector with poor mental health by providing support, spreading awareness and training those in farming communities to be mo...
FAN (Friends and Neighbours) groups in Swansea friends and neighbours in local communities.
First Choice Housing Association Choice Housing Association provides accommodation solutions for people with disabilities, veterans and additional complex needs across Wales and Shropshir...
Hafan Cymru charitable housing association that provides accommodation and support to women, men, their children and young people across Wales.
Healthy City Directory for Swansea's community resource for wellbeing and health.
Help to get Swansea online will talk you through the process of getting online.
Hope in Swansea smartphone app that connects those needing life-giving hope to immediate, local and relevant essential support services where they live.
Infoengine highlights a wide variety of excellent voluntary and community services that are able to provide information and support so that you can make an info...
Learn My Way website of free online courses, built by the Good Things Foundation, to help people develop their digital skills.
Lifeways Support Options supports adults with diverse and complex needs, including learning disabilities, autism, physical disabilities, acquired brain injuries, and mental hea...
Live Fear Free Helpline for victims of domestic abuse and sexual violence.
Llais voice in health and social care.
Local area coordinators local area coordinator can help you find advice and support in your community.
Men's Sheds Cymru a free advocacy service for Men's Sheds members, their family and community.
Men's Wellbeing Group support group for men.