Search for advice and support
We have provided a list of local and national organisations which could offer you further advice and support.
Search results
Lifeways Support Options supports adults with diverse and complex needs, including learning disabilities, autism, physical disabilities, acquired brain injuries, and mental hea...
Llais voice in health and social care.
Local area coordinators local area coordinator can help you find advice and support in your community.
Maggie's Swansea you or someone you care about has been diagnosed with cancer, Maggie's Swansea can help.
Men's Sheds Cymru a free advocacy service for Men's Sheds members, their family and community.
Men's Wellbeing Group support group for men.
Mental Health and Money Advice you understand, manage and improve your mental health and money issues.
Musical Memories Choir Memories Choir is choir with a purpose! Started in 2014 we were born out of a wish to enable people living with dementia and carers, to come together an...
NHS Direct Wales advice using our symptom checkers or Health A-Z if you're unwell and not sure what to do.
Older People's Commissioner independent voice and champion for older people across Wales.
Papyrus' helpline, HOPELINEUK provides support for young people who are experiencing thoughts of suicide and for those who are concerned that a young person may...
Platfform is the mental health and social change charity. They work with people experiencing challenges with their mental health, and with communities who want ...
Renew Welling @ The Stream: Quiet shared spaces where its OK not to be OK!
Sporting Memories Memories are a charity and social enterprise that helps older people to reminiscence, replay and reconnect through the power of sport and physical acti...
Swansea Carers Centre Carers Centre provides support and information to carers across Swansea by providing welfare benefit advice; access to grants and special funds; a couns...
Swansea Family Information Service Swansea Family Information Service (FIS) is a one stop shop, providing free, quality, impartial information on a wide range of childcare, children's, family...
Swansea Mind Mind provides advice, information and support to people with mental health concerns. They offer one-to-one self-help programmes, counselling and group s...
Swansea Parent Carer Forum information for parent carers on local authority services, health provision, mental health and wellbeing support, in work support.
The Exchange specialises in supporting the psychological well-being of children, young people and families.
Wales Dementia Helpline for people affected by dementia.