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  • African Community Centre

    Offer many projects supporting asylum seekers and refugees.

  • Age Cymru West Glamorgan

    Help and advice for older people in Swansea, Neath Port Talbot and Bridgend

  • Asylum Justice

    Offering free legal advice and representation to asylum seekers, recognised refugees and other vulnerable migrants.

  • Baby Bank

    Baby clothes and items in good condition available to families in need. Also accept donations.

  • BAYS+ Youth Homeless Service

    Support young people aged 16 - 21 who are homeless or at risk of homelessness with general advice, housing, discrimination and benefits.

  • Bipolar UK

    Bipolar UK Online and telephone support.

  • British Red Cross

    We help anyone, anywhere in the UK and around the world, get the support they need if crisis strikes.

  • CALM (Campaign Against Living Miserably)

    CALM is the Campaign Against Living Miserably and are taking a stand against suicide.

  • Care and Repair Western Bay

    Care and Repair aims to relieve the needs of older people in the locality who are disadvantages by reason of health, ill-age or disability, by the provision of ...

  • Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW) Care Services Directory

    Find the care service that is right for you.

  • Caredig

    Caredig provides a wide range of housing solutions for single people, families, older people and people who need support to maintain their tenancy.

  • Congolese Development Project

    Congolese Development Project assists newcomers in Swansea - easing their transition process and facilitating their integration into a new life.

  • Crisis

    A national charity for homeless people.

  • Digital Communities Wales

    Digital technology is crucial to help people stay connected, find reliable information, shop for necessities and stay healthy. DCW is here to support people to ...

  • Ethnic Youth Support Team (EYST)

    EYST has expanded its mission and vision to also meet the needs of BME young people, families and individuals including refugees and asylum seekers living in Wa...

  • FAN (Friends and Neighbours) groups in Swansea

    Links friends and neighbours in local communities.

  • Goleudy

    Housing charity who help to prevent homelessness, provide housing and create opportunities. Also provide a community fridge in Swansea Marina.

  • GROW Cymru (Growing Real Opportunities for Women)

    Provide training, support, mentoring and guidance to women of all backgrounds and ages across South Wales. Also provide a weekly food bank.

  • Hafan Cymru

    A charitable housing association that provides accommodation and support to women, men, their children and young people across Wales.

  • Help to get Swansea online

    Tutors will talk you through the process of getting online.

  • Housing Justice Cymru - Citadel

    Citadel is a homelessness prevention project, which uses volunteers to support people at risk of experiencing homelessness, to find and/or sustain tenancies.

  • Llamau

    Llamau is the leading homelessness charity in Wales, supporting the most vulnerable young people and women.

  • Local area coordinators

    Your local area coordinator can help you find advice and support in your community.

  • Matthew's House

    Matthew's House exists to provide a warm and welcoming building in the heart of Swansea, with the expressed intention of being accessible for the homeless and m...

  • Missionaries of Charity

    Direct access hostel (single males aged 25+ only).

  • Ogof Adullam at Penlan Methodist Church

    Drop-in centre offering a place of refuge to individuals experiencing homelessness and alcohol and drug addiction as well as providing a point of contact for pr...

  • Platfform

    Platfform is the mental health and social change charity. They work with people experiencing challenges with their mental health, and with communities who want ...

  • Pobl Housing Association

    Not for profit housing association offering housing solutions and support.

  • Race Council Cymru

    Projects include participation of asylum seekers and refugees.

  • Red Cross

    Destitution / hardship support for refugees

  • Share Tawe

    Helps to find housing solutions for destitute asylum seekers.

  • Shelter Cymru

    Shelter Cymru provide free, independent, confidential advice on housing and debt.

  • Swansea Asylum Seekers Support

    Provide support, a hot meal and English lessons to asylum seekers and new refugees in Swansea during 2 weekly drop-in sessions.

  • Swansea Council for Voluntary Service

    Swansea Council for Voluntary Service support, develop and represent voluntary organisations, volunteers and communities across Swansea.

  • The Silver Line

    Free confidential helpline providing information, friendship and advice to older people, open 24 hours a day, every day of the year.

  • The Wallich

    The Wallich is a Welsh charity helping people who are homeless.

  • Unity in Diversity

    Provide food, support and learning opportunities to asylum seekers and refugees in the Swansea area.

  • Welsh Refugee Council

    Support for refugee and asylum seekers.

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