Search for advice and support
We have provided a list of local and national organisations which could offer you further advice and support.
Search results
Dementia UK and Admiral Nurses Nurses are specialist dementia nurses. Continually supported and developed by Dementia UK, they provide life-changing support for families affected by a...
First Choice Housing Association Choice Housing Association provides accommodation solutions for people with disabilities, veterans and additional complex needs across Wales and Shropshir...
Goleudy (formerly Caer Las) are a housing charity based in South Wales. We prevent homelessness, provide housing and create opportunities. At our Paxton Street Hostel we support individ...
Hafan Cymru charitable housing association that provides accommodation and support to women, men, their children and young people across Wales.
Housing Justice Cymru - Citadel is a homelessness prevention project, which uses volunteers to support people at risk of experiencing homelessness, to find and/or sustain tenancies.
Lifeways Support Options supports adults with diverse and complex needs, including learning disabilities, autism, physical disabilities, acquired brain injuries, and mental hea...
Llais voice in health and social care.
Llamau is the leading homelessness charity in Wales, supporting the most vulnerable young people and women.
Maggie's Swansea you or someone you care about has been diagnosed with cancer, Maggie's Swansea can help.
Matthew's House's House exists to provide a warm and welcoming building in the heart of Swansea, with the expressed intention of being accessible for the homeless and m...
Missionaries of Charity access hostel (single males aged 25+ only).
Musical Memories Choir Memories Choir is choir with a purpose! Started in 2014 we were born out of a wish to enable people living with dementia and carers, to come together an...
NHS Direct Wales advice using our symptom checkers or Health A-Z if you're unwell and not sure what to do.
Ogof Adullam centre offering a place of refuge to individuals experiencing homelessness and alcohol and drug addiction as well as providing a point of contact for pr...
Platfform is the mental health and social change charity. They work with people experiencing challenges with their mental health, and with communities who want ...
Pobl Housing Association for profit housing association offering housing solutions and support.
RABI (Royal Agricultural Benevolent Institution) (UK) is a national charity that provides local support to the farming community across England and Wales. Confidential support is available to those who current...
Royal British Legion lifelong support to serving and ex-serving personnel and their families.
Shelter Cymru Cymru provide free, independent, confidential advice on housing and debt.
Sporting Memories Memories are a charity and social enterprise that helps older people to reminiscence, replay and reconnect through the power of sport and physical acti...