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Phone issues

Due to continuing issues following Friday's power outages, you may have trouble reaching us by phone. If you ring us, it may appear that you are in a phone call queue, but our staff are unable to answer your call due to the telephony outage. Please contact us via our online forms or by email
There are 4 results

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  • Acas

    Acas gives employees and employers free, impartial advice on workplace rights, rules and best practice. Also help to resolve disputes.

  • Better Jobs Better Futures

    Employment Support.

  • Swansea Council for Voluntary Service

    Swansea Council for Voluntary Service support, develop and represent voluntary organisations, volunteers and communities across Swansea.

  • WCVA - Voluntary Services Emergency fund

    The 2021/2022 Volunteering Wales Grants scheme is now open to applications, with an emphasis on projects supporting the Well-being of Future Generations Act.

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