Search for advice and support
We have provided a list of local and national organisations which could offer you further advice and support.
Search results
Disabled Living Foundation (DLF) is a national charity providing impartial advice, information and training on independent living.
Diverse Cymru organisation promoting equality and independent living and challenging discrimination in Wales.
Dyversity Group Local Aid Group Local Aid hold weekly sessions for Children and young people of all ages with Autism (ASD) on a Monday night at FOYD (Friends of Young Disabled)...
Ethnic Youth Support Team (EYST) has expanded its mission and vision to also meet the needs of BME young people, families and individuals including refugees and asylum seekers living in Wa...
Family Fund for families with children with disabilities.
First Choice Housing Association Choice Housing Association provides accommodation solutions for people with disabilities, veterans and additional complex needs across Wales and Shropshir...
Focus on Disability online resource providing information, guides, products and resources for the disabled community, elderly and carers in the UK.
GROW Cymru (Growing Real Opportunities for Women) training, support, mentoring and guidance to women of all backgrounds and ages across South Wales.
Guide Dogs about guide dogs for people who are sight impaired.
Hearing Link UK wide charity for people with hearing loss, their families and friends.
Independence at Home at Home is a charity that provides grants to people of all ages who have a physical or learning disability or long-term illness and who are in fina...
Interplay is a project aiming to integrate young people with special needs into play and leisure opportunities that are available to any child in their communit...
Kin Cymru help parents of children with special needs/disabilities to claim benefits they are entitled to.
Learning Disability Wales for people with a learning disability and their supporters.
Leonard Cheshire Discover IT wanting a bit of support or just needing to be able to access the right equipment - we have digital coordinators and volunteers across the UK to help you b...
Lifeways Support Options supports adults with diverse and complex needs, including learning disabilities, autism, physical disabilities, acquired brain injuries, and mental hea...
Local area coordinators local area coordinator can help you find advice and support in your community.
Macular Society Macular Disease Society provides advice, information and practical support to promote independence, confidence and quality of life for people with macular d...
Matt's Café with food and meals
Mixtup is a youth club for 11-25-year-olds with mixed abilities. Mixtup is largely a youth run and focused club, that aims to provide its members with the thing...