Additional pre-planning application advice
Service-specific advice from a number of our departments on your plans - for householders and developers.
This information wouldn't be provided through general (statutory) pre-planning advice.
Advice can be given by the following departments:
- Planning
- Highways and Transportation (traffic, telematics, network development, drainage, road safety)
- Pollution Control
- Housing
- Waste Management
- Natural Environment (commons registration, area of outstanding natural beauty (AONB), countryside access, landscape, nature conservation, green infrastructure)
- Education
- Cultural Services (community facilities, community leisure / sports facilities, health and wellbeing, tourism, connectivity, destination management)
Once your enquiry has been processed you will contacted by the planning section and be given a cost and timeframe for your request. Details of how to make the payment will be provided and the requested work will not begin until full payment has been made.
Apply for additional pre-planning application advice
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Last modified on 16 April 2024