Help guide Swansea's Human Rights City journey
People are needed to help shape and guide the next stage of Swansea's Human Rights City journey.
This time last year Swansea Council and Swansea's Public Service Board declared Human Rights City status.
It means that partners embrace a vision of vibrant, diverse, fair and safe communities built on the foundations of Universal Human Rights, where everyone counts.
They are also working to embed a human rights based approach into all that they do.
A stakeholder panel is being established with volunteers needed to help ensure that priorities identified by the public are addressed, good stories are shared and areas that need it are improved.
To find out more or register an interest in joining the stakeholder panel visit:
Swansea Council's Cabinet Member for Culture, Human Rights & Equalities, Elliott King, said: "Sunday was the United Nation's international day of Human Rights and marked the 75th anniversary of one of the world's most groundbreaking global pledges, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR).
"It is two years since we began the foundation work that last year saw Swansea declare Human Rights City status.
"We said then the work was only just beginning and Swansea Council, along with our PSB partners, other public authorities and organisations, are now working to make human rights part of our everyday work.
"By doing this we will further improve local services and decision making - ensuring everyone will have a voice, especially those who are currently marginalised or socially vulnerable, and will have the opportunity to shape the vital services that they rely on day to day.
"Within the council this has seen cabinet members, councillors, policy officers and senior managers undertake training from the British Institute of Human Rights.
"Working with Swansea University we have also helped develop a "Rights in Your Pocket Guide" that is available in public buildings across Swansea detailing what are your human rights, why they are important and where to go should you need support.
"One of the next stages is to established a stakeholder panel and I would encourage anyone who is interested in playing their part on this journey to find out more."
You can find our plan and commitments and what work is ongoing under our Human Rights City priorities here: