Events raise racism awareness for school governors
Around 90 school governors from across Swansea have taken part in events to discuss and raise awareness of racism and of promoting diversity.

Among the speakers at the sessions held on Thursday was Rachel Clarke, the granddaughter of Betty Campbell who was Wales' first black head teacher and a prominent community leader.
It was organised by Swansea Council and delivered by DARPL (Diversity and Anti-Racism Professional Learning).
It was the first event of its kind in Wales and also included activities such as workshops and Q&As.
Swansea's Director of Education, Helen Morgan-Rees, said: "School governors play a vital role in supporting our schools and we run regular events and training in Swansea.
"As Wales' first Human Rights City I was very pleased that we were able to offer this event to our school governors.
"It was a really helpful and informative day and those who attended will be going back to their schools to share their learning with colleagues."