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Free school meals for all primary pupils

Every primary pupil in Swansea will be offered free school meals when children return from the summer holidays next week.

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school meals generic

It means Swansea will have hit the target set by Welsh Government for all primary aged children to receive the offer in 2024.

More than 18,000 pupils will be able to eat for free during term time in Swansea, helping all families with the cost of living.

Over £4m has been invested in improving and equipping school kitchens across the city.

Swansea Council's Cabinet Member for Education Robert Smith said: "The cost of living crisis means the Welsh Government's Free School Meal pledge is more important than ever and I'm grateful to ministers for the funding that is being provided to enable us to deliver this.

"A lot of investment, work and planning has been needed to get the capacity in place to deliver this to all primary school pupils and I'm very proud that we have been able to meet the Welsh Government's target.

"Universal free school meals for primary aged children mean one less thing for hard-pressed families to worry about and ensure that all pupils receive a cooked meal when in school should they wish."

Families do not need to apply for the school meal offer as they will be automatically enrolled at their school.

Low income families can also apply for the Schools Essentials Grant to help with costs for school uniform costs, equipment and activities.


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Last modified on 29 August 2024