2021 Census: first results
The first census results for local authority areas in England and Wales were published by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) on 28 June 2022.
The 2021 Census reported that the usually resident population of Swansea was 238,500; approximately 500 or 0.2 per cent less than the 2011 Census total.
A summary briefing note detailing the first 2021 Census results for Swansea is available: Census 2021 First Results (PDF, 1012 KB)
A supplementary briefing note is also available, including information from the first results on households; population density; components of the estimates; response rates; on-line responses; and links to initial ONS reports. 2021 Census first results supplement (PDF, 852 KB)
Background information about the 2021 Census, including links to the ONS Census website, is available here.
ONS have also since published Topic Summary data from the 2021 Census on a range of population and household characteristics.
Statistics for small areas (below local authority level) and on specific population characteristics were not published in the first Census 2021 release. However, Census statistics for small areas including wards and statistical geographies are now available with data for areas in Swansea included in the following pages:
- Population by age (updated to mid 2022)
- Population density (updated to mid 2022)
- Households (with residents); usual residents living in households and communal establishments; average household size
- Swansea Ward Profiles - Census data: population characteristics (country of birth, ethnic group, ability to speak Welsh, general health, disability, qualifications); household composition and size; accommodation type; housing tenure; economic activity status.
Further information and analysis of data from the 2021 Census will be added to these pages as soon as possible.
If you have further enquiries regarding population statistics in Swansea, please contact us.